The Minister responsible for the French Language, Jean-François Roberge, and his colleague in Higher Education, Pascale Déry, presented opposing views on Wednesday concerning a thematic week on the English language in a CEGEP in the Quebec region which is denounced by groups for the protection of French.
Mr. Roberge was not upset that Cégep Garneau is planning an activity this week, English Week.
“I will not rebel because a French-speaking CEGEP occasionally spends a week promoting the learning of English,” he declared in a press scrum.
The duty reported Wednesday that from September 11 to 15, as part of “English Week 2023,” the Language Department invites the entire Cégep Garneau community to speak in English.
Mme Déry, for his part, affirmed that this activity is useless due to the omnipresence of English.
“I was reading that this morning and I think that English doesn’t need a showcase in Quebec. Honestly, English does not need a showcase in Quebec, she said. Students are exposed to Netflix and Spotify, we already have difficulty getting them to master French, to master the language well, so I ask Cégep Garneau to promote and promote French. »
French Imperative and the French Quebec Movement oppose the initiative.
Liberal MP André Fortin asked the CEGEP to reverse its decision.
“The decision of Cégep Garneau to ask everyone to speak at the CEGEP in English for a week, for us, is ill-advised. So we are asking the CEGEP to reconsider its decision,” he said.
Mr. Roberge, who is of the opinion that we must first promote French in schools, has not taken issue with being more flexible than the Liberals in this matter.
“My political compass is in no way influenced by liberal rantings,” he said.
More details will follow.