ministers defeated in elections will have to resign

It is an unwritten rule of political life, confirmed for the legislative elections next June: the members of the government who present themselves will be forced to resign in the event of defeat.

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The ministers candidates for the legislative elections, on June 12 and 19, will have to resign in the event of defeat, franceinfo learned this Sunday from the Elysée, confirming information from the Figaro. “The republican tradition and rule enacted in 2017 is maintained”says the Elysee to franceinfo.

The government of Elisabeth Borne was appointed on Friday May 20 and is due to meet for the first time on Monday, for the first Council of Ministers of the five-year term. Composed of 28 ministers, 15 are therefore concerned by this rule during the next legislative election. Including Elisabeth Borne herself: the Prime Minister is seeking, for the first time, the 6th constituency of Calvados.

Among the other candidate ministers, we find that of the Interior. Gérald Darmanin is a candidate in the 10th district of the North, he was already elected there between 2012 and 2016 with the UMP label. Amélie de Montchalin, new Minister for Ecological Transition and Territorial Cohesion, is a candidate for re-election in the 6th constituency of Essonne.

At the head of key portfolios, are also candidates Brigitte Bourguignon in the 6th of Pas-de-Calais, Olivier Dussopt in the 2nd of Ardèche and Gabriel Attal in the 10th of Hauts-de-Seine, respectively at the head of the ministries Health, Labor and Public Accounts.

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