Emmanuel Macron’s agenda is known like the back of his hand in certain ministries, because if the head of state is not on the move, it is a possible day of reshuffle.
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Emmanuel Macron is visiting Marseille from Monday June 26 to Wednesday June 28, and some of the many ministers accompanying him will no doubt have one word in mind: reshuffle. Within the executive, everyone is thinking about it and waiting for the moment when the head of state will press the button. But for now, it’s a bit of a wait-and-see attitude that reigns.
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In some ministries, we know Emmanuel Macron’s agenda like the back of our hand and we watch every day that the head of state is not on the move, perhaps a day of reshuffle. “The sooner the better, we’re not going to do three months like that”is impatient a minister.
A minimal overhaul?
“The machine must start again”completes an adviser, because with ministers in the hot seat, some administrations are rearing. “We can’t throw anything anymore”testifies an adviser and when the ministerial cabinets are emptied, the recruitments are done with the dropper, it is the case until Matignon.
Except that at least in human resources, Emmanuel Macron remains master of time. “He decides and he goes for it, but he must first decide”smiles a minister who judges that for lack of a miracle solution, the head of state will be content to change his weakest ministers.
A possible redesign at least that worries an adviser: “If neither Élisabeth Borne, nor Bruno Le Maire, nor Gérald Darmanin move, it will probably have little political impact.”