Minister Franck Riester, tested positive, announces that he is isolating himself

Franck Riester had already tested positive for Covid-19 in March 2020, while he held the post of Minister of Culture.

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“Following a fever, I performed a test which turned out to be positive for Covid-19”, writes on Wednesday 22 December the Minister in charge of Trade exterior and Attractiveness, Franck Riester. “I isolate myself from this evening and carry out my missions from a distance”, he adds on Twitter.

Franck Riester had already tested positive for Covid-19 in March 2020, while he held the post of Minister of Culture. “I can assure you that it took me a month and a half to recover from this disease”, he had testified to RTL. He was the first member of the government to be infected. Since then, several members of the executive have tested positive, until recently Prime Minister Jean Castex.

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