Minister Fitzgibbon minimizes the importance of the Quebec tramway for the La Pocatière factory

The realization or not of the tram project in Quebec is not a question of “life or death” for the Alstom plant in La Pocatière, considers the Minister of the Economy, Pierre Fitzgibbon.

• Read also: Tramway Plan B: Alstom union members “wait for what comes next” instead of worrying

• Read also: Uncertainty still hangs over the Quebec tramway: the next few weeks will be decisive

• Read also: A tram, even at $8.4 billion: “It’s expensive, very expensive,” worries Legault

Like Alstom, solidarity MP Etienne Grandmont is concerned about the rolling stock contract signed last spring, which provides for the former Bombardier Transport factory to supply around thirty tram trains to the City of Quebec .

“If the tram project actually sees the light of day, well, we have workers from La Pocatière who will work on building these trains. But if we wait too long, for example, we will lose these jobs,” worried the MP for Taschereau on Thursday.

Questioned on this subject by journalists, the Minister of the Economy and Minister responsible for Regional Economic Development, Pierre Fitzgibbon, recalled that in 2021, the government lent $56 million to Alstom, during the purchase of Bombardier Transport, the condition of ensuring the maintenance of at least 400 jobs in La Pocatière.

Mr. Fitzgibbon noted that Alstom has since obtained other contracts with Ontario and the United States.

“It’s certain that if there was a tramway in Quebec, […] it will help, […] It’s going to be interesting, that’s for sure, but it’s not something of life and death,” he said, before heading to the Blue Room.

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