Demonstrators against the pension reform were waiting for the Minister Delegate for Health Professions in Bonsecours near Rouen. The minister had to give up participating in a debate on the end of life because of tensions in front of the room.
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The Minister Delegate for Territorial Organization and Health Professions Agnès Firmin Le Bodo canceled her presence at a debate on the end of life, where she was to go Thursday, May 11 in Bonsecours, near Rouen (Seine-Maritime) , because of scuffles and violence in front of the room where demonstrators against the pension reform had gathered, reports France Bleu Normandie.
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Demonstrators with pans had come in front of the building. Some then tried to enter the room and some physical violence took place. “In order to allow the debate and to guarantee the physical integrity of the participants, I decided with regret not to go there.“, declared on Twitter the minister, at 8:30 p.m..”These demonstrators did not come to debate but to fight. That’s not a peaceful debate on a social issue“, she added.
It was Renaissance MP Annie Vidal who was to moderate this debate. On Twitter Thursday, May 11, she “regrets and strongly condemns this violence which did not allow the Minister to come and continue the debate on the end of life among us“. For his part, the prefect of Seine-Maritime and Normandy Jean-Benoît Albertini condemned “the actions of the demonstrators who tried to interrupt this debate“.
The debate was finally able to take place, without the minister. Present on site, Claire-Marie Féret, teacher and member of the SNES-FSU, spoke to France Bleu Normandie about a “citizen debate in which citizens could not enter… because they ask that life ends less badly by refusing to die at work“.