Minister Barbara Pompili in favor of a collective reflection on the ban on hunting minors

The Minister for Ecological Transition also says she is in favor of “days without hunting” decided “territory by territory”.

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The Minister of Ecological Transition Barbara Pompili says she is in favor of a collective reflection on the ban on hunting for minors, Tuesday February 22 on France Bleu Occitanie, after a fatal hunting accident in Cassaniouze in Cantal on Saturday. The shooter is a 17-year-old girl, in possession of a hunting license.

“I am for what happened to make us think collectively” to this ban. “We have to think about this question, I especially don’t want to make a decision that goes too quickly following a tragedy like this”she says. “We have to think about the weight we put on minors”adds the minister.

This young girl will live all her life with what happened. Should we put on the shoulders of a child, who is not yet of age, such a heavy risk, such a heavy responsibility as handling a weapon?

Barbara Pompili


Barbara Pompili also believes that “it’s time for everyone to sit around the table to think about days without hunting but which must be done territory by territory”must therefore “bringing together the federations of hunters with all the associations that represent other users of nature to look at what needs to be done in terms of days without hunting, that would be the best solution”.

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