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According to the investigative media Disclose, Agnès Pannier-Runacher would be involved in a possible conflict of interest. The children of the Minister for Energy Transition are said to be associated with an oil company linked to tax havens.
A new member of the government finds himself suspected of a conflict of interest. Does Agnès Pannier-Runacher have a link with one of the biggest French oil companies? The question is now being asked after the publication of an investigation by the investigative media Disclose, Tuesday, November 8. The activities of the family of the Minister of Energy Transition are questioned. Originally, his father, ex-director of the Perenco company, created a civil company called Arjunem, in 2016. He contributed around 1.2 million euros in shares with the aim of transferring heritage directly with his grandchildren.
The minister’s children are shareholders of the Arjunem company. Agnès Pannier-Runacher did not mention it in her declaration of assets, because it does not concern only ministers or their spouses, not their children. But the High Authority for Public Life has decided to look into the matter. Another revelation, the money brought by the father ofAgnès Pannier-Runacher would come from speculative funds partly domiciled in tax havens. The minister claims not to know the details of the origin of the funds.