Miley Cyrus aboard a plane hit by lightning and “caught in a storm”, chaotic landing!

Big scare for Miley Cyrus! The plane, which was transporting the star to Paraguay, was struck by lightning. The latter then had to follow emergency protocol and land. The singer, who was going to the Asuncionico festival, is safe and sound.

It is on Instagram that the interpreter of Wrecking Ballannounced this incident which could have been much more serious. “To all my fans who were worried hearing what happened on my flight to Asuncion. Our plane was caught in an unexpected storm and struck by lightning. My relatives, friends, families who traveled with me are safe after an emergency landing“explained the ex Hannah Montana on his Instagram account. The latter also shared a video where we can see an impressive flash in the sky as well as the impact of it on the plane. Frightening ! Due to extreme weather conditions, the first day of the festival has also been cancelled. Miley Cyrus was to perform there, with Machine Gun Kelly, Doja Cat and foo fighters.

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