Milan Vader in “critical” but stable condition after heavy fall on stage 5

The Jumbo-Visma rider went over a safety barrier on a descent during the 5th stage of the Tour of the Basque Country on Friday.

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Dutch cyclist Milan Vader, 26, is in a state “steady” after falling heavily in a descent of the 5th stage of the Tour of the Basque Country, wrote his Jumbo-Visma team on social networks on Friday April 8. “After all the rumors around Milan Vader, following his crash in today’s stage of the Tour of the Basque Country, we would like to inform you that his situation is stable”said the team on Twitter, adding that the runner had been taken care of at the hospital in Bilbao.

Earlier in the evening, several media, including AFP, gave the information that the mountain bike rider was in a “critical state“. The Dutch site AD even claimed that Vader had been placed in an induced coma. The Jumbo-Visma team plans to give more information on Saturday.

The runner went over a railing on a descent in northern Spain on Friday. He was then a hundred kilometers from the finish in the peloton chasing the leading group.

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