Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher are raising an incredible sum for Ukraine, the president reacts

Hollywood love duo Mila Kunis (Black Swan, Ted) and Ashton Kutcher (Jobs, My Uncle Charlie) collected the colossal sum of 35 million dollars to help the Ukrainian people meet their needs during the armed conflict between the country of President Volodymyr Zelensky and the Russia of Vladimir Putin.

This Sunday, good news fell for the Ukrainian clan, Mila Kunis of Ukrainian origin and her companion Ashton Kutcher paid the sum of 35 million dollars or 31 million euros to the Ukrainian government to defend themselves against Russian strikes. This money was raised by pots posted online that the two actors widely promoted on their social networks. This precious help was warmly thanked by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. “Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis were among the first to respond to our pain. They have already collected 35 million dollars and will send them (…) to help Ukrainian refugees. We are grateful for their support and impressed by their determination. They are an inspiration to the world“said the latter in a statement posted on Twitter.

In the same way as Mathieu Kassovitz whose family had to flee Hungary during the attack by the USSR, the 38-year-old actress Mila Kunis is particularly affected by the conflict because of her personal and family background. Also, she also affirmed her support, her respect and her attachment to the country of her roots: “Today, I have never been so proud to be Ukrainian. My family came to the United States in 1991, but I was born in Chernivtsi, Ukraine in 1983. Ukrainians are a proud and courageous people who deserve our help in these difficult times..” Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher have been in a relationship since 2011 and married in 2015. They have since had two children, Wyatt and Dmitri.

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