Mike Ward’s Jérémy collaterals

The Canadian had won that night, but Adam (not her real name) returned immediately after the match. Usually it chille always a little at the local sports bar, just to socialize, because trying to talk to the world does him good!

He arrived at the house running, without even taking off his boots or his coat, throwing me: “Auntie, who is Jeremy?” ”

His question froze me! I immediately understood what his face, which doesn’t really know how to interpret emotions, meant!

Me : Tell me why, first.

Adam: Well, I was at the bar and I was watching the game taking notes on my computer for my article, then there is a drunk guy who pointed at me and who cried out laughing, “It’s him, Jérémy, it’s him, Jérémy! “The guy sitting next to me, I do not even know, stood up and wanted to hit me … I did not understand, but it did me good to see people I do not know my take defense !

Me : (Trying to stay calm and hide my dismay.) Then they took him out of the bar?

Adam: Well no, the owners decided not to take it out of the bar. The bartender told me it is a good customer, he gets drunk every night … It was still weird to continue to watch the game with this guy who continued to look at me! … So that’s that, Jeremy ?

I tried to explain who Jérémy is to a youngster we raised without really telling him that he was different. A young person who dreams of becoming a sports journalist even if all reality reflects his difference in the face!

I got bogged down in my explanations when he stopped me… “Okay, okay, I got it!” ”

Me : How do you feel after all this?

Adam: You know, it’s been since elementary school that I have been called all the names… Today, it doesn’t matter to me anymore, I just wanted to finish watching the match and write my article!

He returns to his room to polish his notes and try to finish his article to send it to a sports website for the purpose of getting published. Nothing stops him! He intends to make a portfolio to find a job in sports … even if the school system wanted to convince us at a very young age that he could not learn or finish his studies!

The ti-chou returns to his room as if to teach us yet another lesson: it is not he who is doing badly, but our society!

“If you don’t like my humor, don’t come to my backyard,” Mike Ward said after the Supreme Court ruling in the comedian and Jeremy Gabriel case.

Mike Ward, we don’t even have to look at your humor, you come knocking on the doors of “different” young people now!

You’ve created an army of uninhibited Mike Ward in everyday life and in social media where laughing at “disabled” youth has become commonplace!

Me, who told myself that our world had changed and that today, we could no longer afford to make defamatory jokes about blacks, Jews, natives, the disabled, women (oops! few), Muslims (no, they are full, there are only them left)… And then, comes this Supreme Court judgment which surprised us all! The judges decided that there was no discrimination in Mike Ward’s jokes even if he had made several jokes about the young artist, in particular about his physical deformation … to the point of saying that he had tried to drown it, but that it was not “not killable”! A comedy show presented 230 times in three years.

Jérémy Gabriel was then between 10 and 13 years old, these jokes in bad taste pushed the young artist to isolate himself in distress and even to have suicidal thoughts.

But all this is not so important in front of Mike Ward’s gargantuan appetite to make people laugh, even when targeting people in vulnerable situations … a trivial detail in Ward’s dark humor!

In his video after the verdict, Mike Ward also said that this pursuit, which lasted 10 years, made him gain weight, he is no longer as beautiful as before! I am going to allow myself to make “black humor à la Ward”: here then, you do not find yourself so beautiful? Try to spend a day in the body of a Jeremy who is harassed or looked askance all day long, you might understand that your dark humor is not always funny!

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