Mika’s escapades – the peak of Nore

A very pleasant hike of 12km 4h for 500m of elevation from the Lac de Pradelles-Cabardès leading to the Pic de Nore, the highest peak of the Montagne Noire and its breathtaking 360° from Hérault to Tarn via Aude , the Eastern Pyrenees, Ariège and Haute Garonne.

The route map

Pic de Nole hiking itinerary

The stages of the hike

  • Park in the parking lot of the Lac de Paradelles campsite.
  • Reach the lake, and follow it on the south shore until you reach the GR® 36.
  • Take the GR® 36 on the left and join the D112 road.
  • Climb into the village of Pradelles, pass the church (listed as a Historic Monument) and take the GR® 36 on the right. Higher up, stay on the Red and White markings, turning right at the intersection.
  • Cross the Rec de Cuin and climb gradually until you reach the Roquo d’Astié.
  • Take advantage of the magnificent panorama that awaits you and continue to climb up to the D87 road.
  • Cross the road to take the path opposite and further on, cross the D87 again taking the path that climbs to the Pic de Nore.
  • Sumptuous 360° panorama with orientation tables indicating the visible peaks. Take the small path (unmarked) which descends to the level of the 1st orientation table. You find the D87 road.
  • Cross the road and take the track which goes completely to the right (still not marked, but the route is obvious). Further on, join a track.
  • Take the latter on the right until it ends (the yellow markup appears).
  • Go down a few meters before taking the path on the right. Follow the route of the Cabane d’Hélène which leads you further to an intersection.
  • Leave the Menhir route on the opposite side to take the Cabane d’Hélène route on the left. After a hundred meters of vertical drop due south, you reach the Cabane d’Hélène.
  • Continue to descend and find the D87 road which you will take on the right. Continue about 250 m before arriving at a crossroads.
  • Turn completely left by Côte de Pech. Return to the church and return to the D112 road.
  • This time, take the road to the left for a few meters before taking the road to the right which becomes a track a few meters later. You are again on the GR® 36. Go past the Old Icehouse before taking the track to the right, at the intersection. Cross the Arnette and continue on the GR® 36 until you find the very first intersection.
  • All you have to do is walk along the lake again to complete your hike.

source site-35