Mika’s escapades – the Canal du Midi

A pleasant heritage hike open to all of 10km for 3 hours of walking and 100m of difference in altitude between Haute Garonne and Aude around the Canal du Midi.

The route map

canal du midi itinerary

The stages of the hike

From Avignonet-Lauragais (31), you will join the Canal du Midi via Montferrand (11).

  • Park in the car park near the Notre Dame des Miracles Church (listed as a Historic Monument).
  • From the car park, go down the street southwest to reach Grand Rue at the level of the Tour Poivrière (listed as a Historic Monument) and turn left. Continue constantly on this street (Yellow markings) ignoring the side departures until you reach an intersection where the Red and White markings of the GR® 653 are located.
  • Follow the GR® to the right, successively taking the Chemin de la Porte d’Autan then to the left the Chemin de Cantarrane before taking the small path that goes to the right still on the GR®. Go further to an intersection.
  • Always follow the GR® by turning right. After a gradual climb, the slope softens. Join a road.
  • Go opposite to the right, still on the GR®. A few meters later, the asphalt turns into a path on the Chemin des Remparts which leads to the Aéropostale lighthouse where there is also an orientation table. Continue your route on the GR® and exit through the fortified gate. Take the descent to the left to come out further on a road (Chemin des Coustous).
  • Go left and constantly follow the GR®, ignoring all side departures. You will pass the Church of Saint-Pierre d’Alzonne (listed as a Historic Monument). Continue opposite (Chemin des Tounisses) until you reach the D6113.
  • Cross this road being extremely careful and take the Chemin de la rivière d’Aillade opposite which leads a few tens of meters further on the Canal du Midi.
  • Before continuing the route, I advise you to turn left to discover the Seuil de Naurouze (highest point of the Canal du Midi located on the Atlantic/Mediterranean watershed line) in 2 km round trip. Turn right and follow the Canal du Midi to the Ecluse d’Emborre.
  • Turn right on the D43 road. Further on, at the railway line, turn right until you reach a tunnel under it.
  • Take the tunnel on the left and come out, further on, on the D813. Take it to the right for a few meters, using the sidewalk, before abandoning it to turn left into Rue des Troubadours.
  • Continue on this street and a few meters further on, turn right on Grand Rue until you reach the Tour Poivrière. You just have to go up to the left to reach the car park and end your hike.

source site-35