Mika’s escapades – The Angoustrine valley


A hike accessible to all of 10km for 4 hours of walking and a little more than 400m of elevation allowing you to discover the Angoustrine valley which offers you very beautiful views throughout the course.

The route map


  • Park in the car park where the children’s playground is located on the Route de Font Remeu (D618).
  • From the car park, return to the D618 road and take it to the right, following the red and yellow markings of the GRP Tour de Cerdagne. Cross the Angoustrine river by the road bridge and immediately leave the road following the GRP on the left.
  • Follow Rue de la Filature. Go past the spinning house. Further on, leave the tarmac to take the GRP which rises to the left for a short distance before reaching the ridge line.
  • At elevation 1621, join a track and follow it to the right for a few meters before abandoning it to take the path that climbs to the left, due north. Later, reach an intersection.
  • Abandon the GRP which goes to the right. Take a small yellow marked path on the left which descends into the undergrowth. Progress on the balcony before descending again into the undergrowth. Reach a flat area where the Barraca de Prat Carrera orri is located and pick up the GRP Tour du Carlit.
  • Continue to the left, crossing the Angoustrine river again on a converted footbridge (there is a water intake here). Further on, cross the Rieral dels Estanyets then descend very slightly to the Chapel of Sant Marti d’Envalls.
  • Stay another hundred meters on the GRP until you reach an intersection.
  • Abandon the GRP which is going to the right to go on the track opposite. Tirelessly follow this track, due south, which turns into a road until you find a sharp left turn.
  • Leave it at this point to continue opposite on the path despite the yellow cross.
  • Enter the village and follow the street to the left (Carrer San Marti).
  • Find an intersection of streets and follow the GRP Tour de Cerdagne on the left again to the car park.

My France: Energy savings

Generalized increase in the cost of living, risk of shortage of electricity or gas, extreme climatic phenomena: these crises upset our daily lives, transform our lifestyles, push us to draw the contours of new horizons. To meet these challenges, France Bleu and Make.org are launching a major citizen consultation around energy savings. Take a stand on these solutions & propose your own!

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