Mika’s escapades – Mont Lozère


A pleasant hike accessible to all (9.5km for 3h30 and a little less than 300m of altitude difference) on the roof of the Cévennes with exceptional landscapes all along the route.

The route map

Mont Lozère hiking itinerary


  • Park in the parking lot of the Bleymard-Mont Lozère resort
  • From the car park, head south via the small parallel path to the right of the D20 road. Continually follow this marked Red and White path (GR70) for a little less than a km until you reach an intersection.
  • Leave the track on the right (return path), in order to take the path opposite (still on the GR70) which gradually rises due south.
    On this portion, incredible views are available to you, including part of the Écrins massif (when the weather is good).
    Further on, reach an intersection of tracks.
  • Stay on the GR70 going right towards the west for about 1km, always with prodigious views until you reach the coveted summit of Finiels (Mont Lozère) which is the highest peak in the Cévennes.
  • Take advantage of the three orientation tables located at the top to learn about the landscapes you see before resuming the route.
    Abandon the GR70 and follow the yellow markup.
    Head west on the ridge line before reaching an intersection where the markings indicate to go to the right (downhill).
  • Even if the descent does not present large slopes, be attentive on this portion. Join due north a forest track.
  • Take the track to the right in order to reach the intersection at the start.
  • Just repeat the path in the opposite direction to reach the station car park and complete this very beautiful hike.

My France: Energy savings

Generalized increase in the cost of living, risk of shortage of electricity or gas, extreme climatic phenomena: these crises upset our daily lives, transform our lifestyles, push us to draw the contours of new horizons. To meet these challenges, France Bleu and Make.org are launching a major citizen consultation around energy savings. Take a stand on these solutions & propose your own!

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