Mika warns the host before the Eurovision final

Tomorrow, Saturday May 14, 2022 will have the grand finale of the Eurovision Song Contest in Turin, Italy. An exceptional evening hosted by singer Laura Pausini, presenter Alessandro Cattelan and Mika. The latter, who said he was a “big fan” of the program, wanted to correct certain controversial remarks made a few years ago on the RTL antenna when he called the show “shit”. “Who has never said something stupid that they later regretted?“, he confided before explaining himself: “The competition has been modernized, over time, the show has considerably increased in quality, while keeping its soul, and it is this soul that pleases me and that I have always liked.“.

If Mika has not always been kind to certain sides of Eurovision, he recognizes that criticism is also a bit part of the game. In an interview given to our 20-minute colleagues, the former juror of The Voice evokes d Besides the role of the commentators of the evening and the small mockeries distilled by some. “We know very well that there was more evil than Stéphane Bern. Marc-Olivier Fogiel, who I know very well, and Dave had been fired from the comments because they were so mean…“, he explains before adding: “At the same time, it’s a bit part of the exercise, isn’t it? This duality, there are the things we like, those we don’t like, the falls… It’s part of the game. But, Stéphane, please be nice, I ask you.

The singer also took the opportunity to talk about his news in France: “My new single, Yo Yo, which comes out this Friday, will definitely take me to France. I hope you will hear me in France before you see me. This summer, I will do a lot of festivals in Europe. There is the moment for TV, the moment for music and the moment for the stage. Everything has to take its place when it needs to.


See also: Stéphane Bern: the host was abused by his mother

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