Mika invests in CBD: the star surprises in an unexpected market… and he’s not the only one

If we can expect Mika in stores, or on stage, or even in fashion, he is much less expected in the world of CBD. And yet, as reported by Point, the singer announced that he was joining the Divie adventure, a French company created two years ago to exploit the virtues of CBD, derived from hemp cultivation, via his Instagram account. “I was able to realize during my tours the benefits of this molecule which brings a new balance in our lives.shared the former coach of The Voice. So I decided to enter the capital of Divie, this young French house in order to make it a European reference in the cannabidiol and well-being industry…

Divie, a company founded in 2021 by Alexandre Perez, has just raised 2 million euros to accelerate its growth in a booming CBD market. And among his business angel, the CEO notably includes Christian Louboutin. With this funding round, Divie intends to extend its product range, strengthen its distribution networks, and finally continue to recruit new talent. Our colleagues from Le Point recall that it is not a question of marketing joints or psychotropic substances, prohibited by law. CBD, or cannabidiol, is one of the molecules present in cannabis – just like THC, or tetrahydrocannabinol, which is considered narcotic – and it is used to develop relaxing products, oils or herbal teas, for example.

A market that could reach 700 million euros in 2023

Mika said that what convinced him to enter the company’s capital was, on the Luxe Tentation website, a concern “transparency and quality“. Alexandre Perez is delighted to know the interpreter of Relax, take it easy also involved in the project. And if Mika has decided to communicate on the subject, it is because France recently published a draft decree with the European Commission to expand the use of the hemp plant, in particular by legalizing CBD oils. The French market could thus reach 700 million euros next year, and Mika has obviously felt the blow. Participated in this round table, Christian Louboutin, Pierre-Antoine Capton, Hadrien Mollard, to name a few.

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