Migrants passing through Roxham will be turned away from Saturday

It is from midnight, on the night of Friday to Saturday, that asylum seekers who cross Canada’s land border irregularly will be turned back to the United States, learned The duty.

Two government sources have confirmed the date and time of the entry into force of the new version of the Safe Third Country Agreement between the United States and Canada.

The new agreement would not be intended to specifically close Roxham Road, but rather to fix a hole in the current agreement that made irregular crossings possible, such as Roxham Road.

An omission ensured that only official ports of entry were considered in the Safe Third Country Agreement. In exchange for being able to also send back migrants who pass between two border crossings, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is said to have made a commitment to the United States to welcome 15,000 more people per year.

Some new border measures are worrying several organizations that help asylum seekers. The Canadian authorities could, for example, return to the south of the border people who crossed it irregularly within two weeks.

The fine details of this new agreement between the two countries should be announced shortly, while President Joe Biden is on an official visit to Canada until Friday.

100 million for the Haitian police

Justin Trudeau will also announce aid for Haiti this afternoon, in the form of training for the country’s national police, which is grappling with a deep political and security crisis.

The Canadian government is about to announce up to $100 million to the Haitian National Police to help fund it and supply equipment.

A federal source did not specify the number of trainers who will be deployed, nor the dates of their mission.

With Sarah Champagne

More details will follow.

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