Migrants in Belarus: emergency meeting at the UN



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The candidates for immigration are manipulated by the Belarusian power to take revenge after the Western sanctions. The UN Security Council met urgently.

The UN Security Council had to meet urgently on Thursday 11 November. On the program, the migrant crisis on the border between Poland and Belarus. “Refugees and migrants should never be used as pawns. Countries around the world have a responsibility to care for the refugees and migrants who are on their territory.”, explains Stéphane Dujarric, spokesperson for the UN Secretary General. The pressure is building. In Belarus, there are 2,000 of them living in makeshift shelters.

Parents and children try to warm themselves as best they can as the temperatures drop below 0 ° C. “I am afraid, I am afraid that my children will die with this cold”, testifies a scared Kurdish migrant. Warsaw has 15,000 soldiers along the border and the Poles have installed barbed wire. Minsk threatens to no longer supply the gas which passes through Belarus.


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