President Renaissance of the European Affairs Committee of the National Assembly was the guest of “8h30 franceinfo”, Sunday September 17, 2023.
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Pieyre-Alexandre Anglade, Renaissance deputy and president of the European Affairs Committee of the National Assembly was the guest of “8h30 franceinfo” Sunday September 17, 2023. Asked about the price of fuel, the reception of migrants, or the European elections, he responded to Jules de Kiss and Agathe Lambret.
European Pact on Migration and Asylum: “Marine Le Pen’s allies are preventing votes”
The European Pact on Migration and Asylum “has been negotiated for three years” because the “allies of Marine Le Pen in the European Parliament and in the Member States are blocking”deplores Pieyre-Alexandre Anglade.
The President of the Republic Emmanuel Macron defended on Friday a “duty of European solidarity” with Italy which saw around 8,500 exiles land on the island of Lampedusa between Monday and Wednesday. Germany agrees to reverse its decision to suspend the voluntary reception of asylum seekers from this country, if the Italian government “fulfills its obligation to take back the refugees” in accordance with the Dublin Agreement.
As the Head of State, Pieyre-Alexandre Anglade, assures that France is “solidarity” because there is no “no national solution”. The deputy of the presidential majority assures that France “has taken its part each time it has been necessary to demonstrate solidarity and humanity and will obviously continue.” He “do not know” whether the government will welcome migrants who arrived this week in Italy.
“There has been no request for the distribution of these migrants across all European countries.”
Pieyre-Alexandre Angladeat franceinfo
According to him, the “situation will remain difficult” as long as the Asylum Immigration Pact is not adopted. “It must make it possible to strengthen external borders, to harmonize asylum procedures in Europe because today, from one European country to another, they are not the same procedures and therefore that creates a form of chaos where everyone can go as they wish depending on the different European countries”, praises the deputy.
For the chosen one Renaissance, it is “necessary to have a European framework” because “today, this is the only answer”.
- Find the full interview here: