midwives always mobilized to obtain a better status


France 3

Article written by

P. Franco, A.-C. Huet, L. Aubisse – France 3

France Televisions

For several weeks, midwives have been mobilized to obtain a better status, and a salary revalued. Most of them are on strike until Monday, October 25.

In Clermont-Ferrand, in Puy-de-Dôme, Mathilde Dubost-Sigoure receives her patients in her practice. A liberal midwife, she believes that her work is not recognized at its fair value. “There are a lot of acts that I have to do without being paid“, she comments. A volunteering that midwives want to stop. They have thus started several actions since the beginning of October.

In addition to a request for an increase in salaries, midwives want their status to be upgraded, in order to be recognized as hospital practitioners, just like doctors. “I would really like to be able to go to the hospital, to be able to do a consultation shift to realize the limits of the hospital, how we work in the hospital and improve the health network“, explains Marie Pabot, liberal midwife.


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