Midterm elections | Timid rise of candidates with a military past

Recent research indicates that 196 American veterans are running as candidates in the midterm elections for the United States Congress.

Posted at 6:00 a.m.

Andre Duchesne

Andre Duchesne
The Press

This is a 7% increase from the 2020 election and the highest total since the 2012 presidential election. Of these 196 people, the overwhelming majority (184) are running for a position in the House representatives while 12 others try to win a seat in the Senate. However, this rise is far from previous figures.

In 1973, there were 401 representatives and senators serving in Congress. The pool was arguably much larger with many World War II veterans. Of the 196 candidates in 2022, 126 are running for Republicans and 66 for Democrats. Four others come from marginal formations or are independent.

According to MilitaryTimes, many of these candidates may be disappointed on the evening of November 8, because they are running in districts or states (for the positions of senator) where their chances of winning are slim. In Canada, there are currently 18 people – 14 MPs and 4 Senators – sitting in Parliament.

With Veterans Campaign and MilitaryTimes

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