Nearly twenty students from a college in Saint-Chamond will sing this Sunday, January 14, alongside the famous singer of “Santiano” on the legendary Parisian stage. The continuation of a great musical adventure which began more than a year ago with the recording of an album with the famous singer.
France Télévisions – Culture Editorial
Reading time: 1 min
Hugues Aufray will be surrounded by little choristers from the Sainte-Marie college in Saint-Chamond (Loire) on the Olympia stage this Sunday, January 14 (HIELY CYRIL / MAXPPP)
They are barely 14 years old and are going to sing at the Olympia, the dream of every beginner singer. These teenagers are part of the Sainte-Marie college choir. We met them just before they “went up to the capital.”
Last choir rehearsal before the Olympia with Hugues Aufray-
Concert on January 14 at 5:00 p.m. – (France 3 Rhône-Alpes: D. Grousson / M. Adelise / L. Sage)
Six songs with Hugues Aufray
Final rehearsal before leaving. In the college’s music room, the 18 most beautiful voices of the college rise. Santiano, Farewell Mr. Professor or Hasta luego, the hits of Hugues Aufray follow one another. Young peopleThe choristers are accompanied by their music teacher, who is also responsible for the choir.
“The closer it gets, the more moved I am by the event” confit Christian Didier. On the Olympia stage, the middle school students will sing six songs with Hugues Aufray. “It’s incredible” enthuses Suren, who admits that he can no longer sleep. “I think it’s going to be really good and we’re going to deliver.” adds Lucas. Sharing the stage with such a famous singer and in front of hundreds of people is still impressive. “I’ll have a bit of the leaflet” confides Lucas, “but as soon as we start singing, it will go away!” he assures.
After the album in 2022, the scene
It must be said that these budding singers already have experience. In June 2022, they had already participated in an album by Hugues Aufray entitled Thank you children. This is a cover of the singer’s greatest hits. The choir students were spotted following the recording of a small album in a studio in Saint-Etienne. A production initiated by their music teacher who, since then, has supported and accompanied them in this wonderful adventure.
For the performance at the Olympia, the preparation with Hugues Aufray was done remotely. “We talked. He sent us concert recordings so that we could adapt the arrangements” says Christian Didier. D-day, “we’ll have half an hour with him to rehearse”. A hell of a challenge in front of a full house because the Olympia is sold out.
Hugues Aufray will be on the bill at the Olympia, with the choir members of the Sainte-Marie college in Saint-Chamond (Loire), on January 14, 2024 at 5:00 p.m.
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