Michou disappointed because of Elsa Bois: he calls out on Twitter

Are they in a relationship or not? The question still remains. Indeed, even several weeks after the end of Dance with the stars, no one knows if Michou and Elsa Bois are having happy days side by side. However, everything suggested that they would take the next step after their adventure in the telecrochet of TF1. Closer and closer over the dances, the duo seemed well and truly gone to formalize their story. But since… Still nothing. However, the Youtubeur does not hide his desire to go further with the pretty dancer. Like the time he watched Koh-Lanta and he would have liked to be accompanied for the occasion: “Tonight is Koh Lanta sushi night, just one thing is missing and it’s perfect”. Although he did not write the name of his muse, all of his followers easily understood who he was referring to.

His community no doubt believed that he had finally succeeded on December 22 when he let it be known that he had finally “Date” the one with whom he had set fire to the floor for several months. Indeed, in his Instagram story, when he found himself face to face with a Spider-Man figurine at the Disney Store, he declared: “Dude I had to thank you. Thanks to you, I dated Elsa at the movies. You are the best, I love you ”. To believe his words, he could have seen Marvel’s last Blockbuster in the company of the one who haunts him day and night. But that would not have been enough to put them as a couple …

Proof of this is with Michou’s latest tweet. This time, no subliminal message, the Youtubeur went straight to the point to indicate who he was talking about. The latter making it known that, despite the fact that he was spoiled for Christmas, a present was missing under the tree. “On the other hand, I didn’t get the gift I wanted … Elsa Bois, you’re where I expected you under my tree”, he wrote. Maybe at Easter, the bells will bring him the long-awaited gift?

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