Michèle Torr fell ill: imbroglio around her state of health, she makes things clear

The total lifting of restrictions against Covid-19 has made people forget that the health crisis is certainly less intense but not over. The singer Michèle Torr can testify to this since she was infected with the virus. Her son Romain Vidal announced that she was “under surveillance“, his advanced age favoring the risk of aggravation, before the star takes the floor to give reassuring news.

On May 19, Michèle Torr appeared in a video posted on her daughter Emilie Vidal’s Facebook account, in which she revealed that she had fallen ill. “I will not be present at the tribute to Charles Aznavour [le samedi 21 mai au Dôme de Marseille, ndlr]. I regret it with all my heart (…) I thought I had slipped through the cracks but no, it happens to me. I have the Covid so I will not participate in this show“, she said. The interpreter of the tube take me dancing tonight seems to have been carrying the virus for several days since, on Monday May 30, it was this time her son Romain Vidal who revealed on Facebook that she was going to miss another event…

Indeed, her son suffering from multiple sclerosis is involved in the Sep association of the Pays d’Aix and was to participate in various events organized on the occasion of the world day of this disease, at the Timone hospital, in Marseilles. Romain thought he could count on his famous mother for the occasion. “Normally, there would have been the presence of Michèle Torr, president of my association and who supports this event, but who could not be present because she caught the coronavirus, and now she’s on covid watch“, he writes on his account. Except that, the day before, she seemed to have recovered…

It was still on Emilie’s account, on May 29, that we could read a very reassuring message about Michèle Torr’s state of health. “Happy Mother’s Day. See you this afternoon for a good meal all together since you are negative for the virus now. And happy day to all the moms“, she wrote. Moreover, this May 31, she reposted a new video of the singer which confirms that everything is back to normal.I wanted to reassure you, to tell you that everything is fine (…) I have been negative for 3 days“, proclaims the star who adds that she “hit the road“. A little mishmash on his health, a little surprising, but if everything goes for the best, that’s the main thing!

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