Michèle Bernier left by Bruno Gaccio when she was pregnant: how she overcame this ordeal

Their couple seemed insurmountable: in 1997, when Bruno Gaccio decided to separate from comedian Michèle Bernier, no one could believe it … especially since the former accomplice of Mimi Mathy is pregnant, at 41, with their second child, a little boy. But the author of Guignols is in love with another and signs the end of his couple after fifteen years of relationship and two children, Charlotte, born in 1987 and Enzo, therefore, born in 1997.

A separation that will do a lot of harm to Michèle Bernier, initially totally devastated and who decides to immediately consult a therapist to “not to enter into a system of resentment, of misfortune“, as she had told on the show The sofa in 2015. Eager to “understand your relationship“and especially the reasons for this break-up, she always wanted to protect her children. Especially since she readily admits it: Bruno Gaccio is a very good father for Charlotte and Enzo.

I didn’t enter a war system that never ends“, she had explained, rejecting any desire to take revenge on this man that she “loved so much“. Cleverly, the actress of The traineewho specifies that she has “lost feathers“in this separation, however, prefers to calm the situation.

Bruno Gaccio is the father of my children, and he had to remain so, that must not change. We obviously went through difficult times, but we can’t live in resentment forever. What a joy today to get together and eat together. Even if we have rebuilt our lives on our own, these moments are important for our children, for me, for Bruno, for everyone.“, she had entrusted to the magazine Tele-Leisure recently. Moreover, the family has grown: in 2000, Bruno Gaccio became the father of another little boy, Amedeo.

And in 2017, it was thanks to Charlotte Gaccio (who had become an actress in the meantime) that the two exes had to smile again: the young woman, aged 30 at the time, gave them two grandchildren, her twins Zoé and Romeo, whom they can now pamper. The children had surely been delighted to spend all the confinement with their grandmother!

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