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In the United States, Michelangelo’s David is at the heart of a controversy. A Florida school principal has been forced to resign for showing photos of the famous sculpture to her students. This decision caused a stir in Florence, Italy, where the statue is on display.
Renaissance icon, is Michelangelo’s David too bare for some Americans? In a school in Florida, a republican state in the United States, a teacher was forced to resign for showing a photo of the statue to her sixth-grade students. Judging the pornographic work, parents had complained of not having been warned. Hope Carrasquilla, the teacher, pleads the misunderstanding: “It’s spring break. We couldn’t tell the parents.”
“This statue is part of our history”
Could the statue be pornographic? In Florence (Italy), this is not the opinion of the tourists who flock to the Academy every day to see the masterpiece. “This statue is part of our history. I don’t understand how anyone can say it’s pornography”, says a young woman. A man completes: “I’m so sorry for the kids who won’t be able to see it.” Cecilie Hollberg, director of the Academy Museum, believes that it “we must distinguish nudity from pornography”. This agitation leaves David unmoved. Already in the 16th century, her nudity caused a scandal.