Michel Sardou reveals how his wife Anne-Marie Périer managed to seduce him and “tame the beast”

Married since October 11, 1999 with the former editor-in-chief of SHEAnne-Marie Périer, Michel Sardou made tender confidences about him with the journalists of Paris Match. Happy alongside the former journalist for more than twenty years, the interpreter of the titles Be a woman and Connemara lakes revealed why and how he fell madly in love with his wife. “She takes care of everything, because she has an intelligence that I love. She’s critical in a good way and she takes things slowly. She knew how to tame the beast“, he confided.

Renowned temperamental, Michel Sardou knew how to soften with the former editor-in-chief of the magazine Miss Tender Age. In a portrait written by France Evening, we also learn that the singer had asked for the hand of Anne-Marie Périer in a very particular way while he was in Paris and she was in New York. Seized by a sudden urgency to marry her, he would have called her without worrying about the possible jet lag.

His unlikely marriage proposal

The singer also recounts this episode in the dedication of his autobiography I’m not dead…I’m sleepingpublished by XO editions, May 6, 2021. “It was an episodic relationship, we met from time to time. She had her life, she had children, she was married and so was I. (…) One day, I telephoned him. She was in New York, I was in Paris and I said, ‘Listen, do you want to marry me? Answer me yes or no, that way we’ll save time. It’s not worth me courting you frantically, we’ve known each other for 25 years. And it’s done like this.”

Not being impressed, the former journalist would still have taken the time to reflect and would have given her answer a few days later, after asking those around her for advice. Their union was celebrated by Nicolas Sarkozy (who was at the time Mayor of Paris), and Eddy Mitchell and Johnny Hallyday were the singer’s witnesses.

For Michel Sardou, it was his third wedding since he had been married before that to Françoise Pettré (the mother of his daughters Sandrine and Cynthia), then to Elizabeth Haas (the mother of his sons Davy and Romain). For her part, Anne-Marie Périer had been married to actor and director Claude Barrois (with whom she has two sons, Paul and Mathias).

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