Michel Sardou married to Françoise at the age of 18: rare photos with his first wife, a pretty dancer

Only son of dancer and actress Jackie Sardou and singer and actor Fernand Sardou, Michel Sardou married Françoise Pettré in 1965 when he was only 18 years old. While the previous year, he had almost gone abroad to open a strip club before being retained by his father, the singer finally decided to stay in France to marry this professional dancer who was working at the time at the Châtelet and at the Paris Opera.

Thanks to this marriage, the interpreter of the title Connemara lakes also obtains something he had dreamed of for many years, his emancipation from parental authority (the majority being at the time established at 21). On the career side, he also won his first contract the same year with the record company Barclay Records when he had worked until then as a waiter-artist and singer in his parents’ cabaret called At Fernand Sardou’s in the 18th arrondissement of Paris.

She made me eat, without her I could never have written songs and worked“, explained the singer, very admiring of his ex-wife. With her, Michel Sardou becomes the father of two daughters: Sandrine, born on January 15, 1970 and the second, Cynthia, born on December 4, 1973.

In 1977, the couple divorced. “After Françoise, I had a hollow, it’s true, but not a sad hollow…“, he wrote in his autobiography I’m not dead… I’m sleeping! published in May 2021. The same year, he married Elisabeth Haas known as “Babette” (sister of the famous astrologer Christine Haas). With her, he became the father of his sons Romain, born on January 6, 1974 (one month after the birth of his half-sister Cynthia, the fruit of his love with Françoise Pettré) and Davy, born on June 1, 1978. It therefore seems that Michel Sardou was already flirting with Elisabeth Haas when he was married to his first wife Françoise Pettré. They divorced in 1998. Since then, Michel Sardou has been married to journalist Anne-Marie Périer, whom he married in 1999.

Michel Sardou is now five times a grandfather: his grandchildren are named Loïs (daughter of Sandrine), Aliénor, Gabriel, Victor-Scott (children of Romain) and Lucie (daughter of Davy).

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