Michel Sardou in the midst of turmoil, his voice lets him down…

For more than 50 years, Michel Sardou has been a key player in the music industry. This sacred monster of French song represents has nothing more to prove! And yet, the main interested party is preparing to take up a new challenge: that of going back on stage. In 2020 on the set of 8:30 p.m. on Sundaythe interpreter of “La France” had assured that he wished to withdraw definitively.

“No, it’s over, really. First of all, I don’t like to lie, I don’t lie and when I say goodbye to them, it’s not to come back afterwards. Because they’re going to say to themselves, it’s a publicity stunt he’s done. I don’t want ads, I don’t need them.” had dropped the ex-acolyte of Johnny Hallyday. “I spent 53 years singing, wonderful years, now I dedicate myself to what I also love, which is theatre”.

“We lose treble…”

But in the end, the artist reconsidered his decision… Thanks to his wife Anne-Marie Périer. The latest news, Michel Sardou has decided to take singing lessons to be on top of his reunion with his audience. As the actor indicated for Actu.fr, his voice has lost power due to his age. “You should know that from the age of 50, you lose treble. But what you lose in treble, you gain in bass. There is no bass limit. As I have quite tonic and hard songs, I have to raise my tone. That’s working with singing teachers who make me do vocals. Which will allow me to gain two or three tones,” revealed the interpreter of “I will love you”. “So it will be more or less the same thing, but without a high C, I forget that. I can not anymore. Indeed, we no longer climb the stairs as quickly as before. Unfortunately “.

That his fans are reassured, the singer is not the only one who has encountered this concern. “ I had this discussion with Pavarotti. At the end of his career, he was getting yelled at because he no longer sang operas and preferred recitals. He was taking the aria from the great classics of course, it was still opera but he was just taking the aria” said Michel Sardou. “People blamed him for not having done the high C. It pissed him off. He said to me, ‘I have 70 years, how do you expect me to do a high C?’ I was thinking about that when my wife said, do it again! “.


to see also: Michel Sardou no longer has the means: the singer forced to give up…

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