Michel Sardou: Hard blow for his musical “I am going to love you”

Nightclubs closed, plays and concerts canceled or postponed … It will be difficult to have a good time in 2022! Already two long years that the infernal coronavirus has disrupted our lives, and particularly affects the entertainment world. And the current fifth wave and its variant Omicron does not help. In a press release, Roberto Ciurleo, famous producer, announces the postponement of several dates of his last musical, I will love you : “Following government decisions, we are forced to postpone our three performances in January in Bordeaux, Pau and Limoges, because it is not possible to cancel the arrival of more than 6,000 spectators in an arbitrary manner. Indeed, more than 12,000 people had bought their places“.

Fortunately for future spectators, new dates have already been announced: Limoges April 29, 2022 at 8 p.m., Pau May 3, 2022 at 8 p.m. and Bordeaux May 6, 2022 at 8 p.m. I will love you retraces the life of French people over 40 years, through the songs of Michel Sardou. According to AFP, its creators see it as a “French Mamma Mia“, in reference to the popular musical homage to the group Abba. Neither” biopic “, nor musical spectacle, they insist, it is indeed a narrative musical, against the backdrop of the history of France and the movements social, over four decades.

Whether we like Michel Sardou’s character or not, we all have a favorite song from his repertoire that makes us think of a moment in our life, of someone we love.“, assures Roberto Ciurleo.”It’s very difficult because people don’t easily go back to theaters and theaters and buy their tickets at the very last moment. But we make the bet“, recently told AFP Roberto Ciurleo, who co-produced with Frank Montel the show presented as”the only creation in France this season with the means for a large productionThe singer, who bowed out in April 2018, agreed but does not appear in the musical.

I will love you is far from the only spectacle affected by the pandemic. On his instagram account, Alexis Michalik has just announced the cancellation of the performances of his new show The producers, this week.

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