Michel Rabagliati is made a Knight of the Order of Arts and Letters of France

Cartoonist Michel Rabagliati was made a Knight of the Order of Arts and Letters of France.

Posted yesterday at 3:54 p.m.

Veronique Larocque

Veronique Larocque
The Press

On social networks, his publishing house, La Pastèque, said he was “very touched by this great nomination”.

This distinction aims in particular “to reward people who have distinguished themselves by their creations in the artistic or literary field”.

Author and illustrator of the Paul series, Michel Rabagliati has promoted Quebec comics abroad for more than 20 years. One year ago, Paul at home had also been rewarded at the Angoulême International Comics Festival.

A graphic novel

Fans of the famous character will be happy to learn that the cartoonist is currently working on a new story of Paul. This time, it will not be a comic strip, but rather a graphic novel, a first for Michel Rabagliati.

“I want to do this exercise, to have the typist in front of me and to be able to talk more. […] There, I can do what I want, like a novelist, and complete with more detailed decorative images than usual, ”he told the radio show on Thursday. The more the merrier, the more we read!

Between now and the release of this graphic novel (in more than a year according to the author), the curious will be able to learn more about the work of Michel Rabagliati in Paul, interview and comments, a book co-signed by Michel Giguère which explores the universe of the cartoonist and pays homage to him. To be published in March by Editions de La Pastèque.

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