Michel Platini to replace him at the head of the FFF? Conditions Revealed!

Several days after his inappropriate statements against Zinedine Zidane, Noël Le Graët was set aside and replaced at the head of the institution by Philippe Diallo. However, the name of Michel Platini circulates intensely to take the post of president of the French Football Federation (FFF).

“If they come to get me, you have to think. I’m not asking for a popular movement”declared the main interested party a few months ago on the show Rothen ignites on RMC.

“Michel Platini, in a sort of Gaullist posture, wants there to be a popular and political movement to tell him: ‘You who led UEFA, you who came close to leading FIFA if we don’t He hadn’t betrayed… Certainly the FFF is less important than these two institutions, but given the state of our FFF, come and take it back”. I repeat, Emmanuel Macron has contacted him and I think he will think about it”explained recently the journalist Daniel Riolo in the program l’After Foot.

But if the main interested party wants the job, he will have to wait for the next election for the presidency of the FFF in 2024.

However, an early election could take place but the FFF assembly would have to end the mandate of the executive committee, elected in 2021,“because, in the event of a vacancy in the presidency, it is a member of the executive committee, chosen by it, who must present himself to ensure the end of the mandate after the interim. To achieve this, the federal assembly must have been convened at the request of at least a quarter of the votes, possibly on the proposal of the High Authority of Football”, as our colleagues from goal.

Another element: To apply for the presidency of the FFF you must have a license within a football club member of this federation. This is the case of Michel Platini!

See also: Le Graët-Zidane case: Cyril Hanouna gets involved… And throws out a cliché that says it all!

Adam Javal-Fauconnier

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