Michel Mercier, former Keeper of the Seals, will appear in the fall before the Paris Criminal Court

Michel Mercier will be tried alongside his wife and one of his daughters, as part of an investigation by the national financial prosecutor’s office in 2017.

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Michel Mercier, Minister of Justice under Nicolas Sarkozy, former President of the General Council of the Rhône, deputy, senator and mayor will be tried before the Paris Criminal Court from October 31 to November 10 next for suspicions of fictitious jobs, indicates the prosecution national financier to franceinfo, confirming information from Progress.

Michel Mercier, 75, will be tried alongside his wife and one of his daughters, as part of an investigation opened by the National Financial Prosecutor’s Office in 2017. He is accused of having fictitiously employed his daughter Delphine as part-time parliamentary assistant in the Senate between 2012 and 2014 and his wife Joëlle as a local collaborator during his various mandates. No charges were brought against his other daughter and son, although they also worked with him.

This investigation by the National Financial Prosecutor’s Office had led Michel Mercier to give up joining the Constitutional Council in 2017. He also left his post as senator and that of mayor of the town of Thizy, in the Rhône.
Michel Mercier was also indicted in 2019 for “complicity in embezzlement of public funds”as part of the investigation into the possible fictitious jobs of assistants to MoDem MEPs.

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