Michel Hazanavicius changes the title of his next film which opens the Cannes Film Festival due to the war in Ukraine

The director has changed the title of his next film “Z (like Z)” to “Cut!”, due to a risk of confusion with the letter “Z” appearing on Russian armored vehicles in Ukraine

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France Televisions

Writing Culture



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French director Michel Hazanavicius has changed the title of his next film Z (like Z) for Cut !, due to a risk of confusion with the letter “Z” inscribed on Russian armor in Ukraine and which became the main symbol of support for the invasion. The film will open the next Cannes Film Festival on May 17 and will be released the same day.

In view of the symbolic charge taken by the letter Z since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, and at the request of Ukrainian filmmakers, I decided to change the title of my film“, explained Monday, April 25 in a press release the Oscar-winning director for The Artist.


This title may have been funny when we finished the film a few months ago, but it’s not funny anymore, and I can’t take it. My film is made to bring joy and in no case would I want it to be associated directly or indirectly with this war.“, added Michel Hazanavicius. “So I’m very happy to change (title, editor’s note)and to this extent to mark my full support for the Ukrainian people“, concludes Michel Hazanavicius.

Comedy around the shooting of a zombie movie

Cut! is a comedy recounts the shooting of zombie films, with Bérénice Béjo and Romain Duris. “Between jaded technicians and actors not really concerned, only the director seems invested with the necessary energy to give life to yet another low-budget horror film. The irruption of authentic living dead will disrupt the filming“, say the production notes of the film.

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