Michel Hazanavicius: Bérénice Béjo “not really his wife”, revelations about their couple

On May 17, the 75th edition of the Cannes Film Festival will open. An event greatly anticipated by the world of the 7th art – of which Vincent Lindon will also be the president this year – that Michel Hazanavicius will have the honor of debuting with his new wacky comedy, Cut!, in which he plays Romain Duris and Bérénice Béjo, the woman who shares his life. The trio was invited on the set of Daily this Wednesday, May 11. The opportunity for the filmmaker to reveal a little more about this feature film which he has made a family affair.

In Cut!, Michel Hazanavicius offered a role to Simone, his 23-year-old daughter born of his relationship with director Virginie Lovisone. A choice that naturally presented itself to him: “There is no premeditation. She wants to be an actress, there was a role of a 23-year-old girl, who is her age, whose father is a director, which is her case. It would have been absurd not to offer him” he told presenter Yann Barthès.

On this occasion, Michel Hazanavicius also made revelations about his relationship with Bérénice Béjo. The one he played in most of his films and presented as his wife most of the time is not finally! “The director is played by the magnificent Romain Duris. His wife, indeed, is played by Bérénice who is not really my wife“continued the director of The Artist before specifying that they were actually… pacsés! No ring finger for the two lovers but that does not prevent the couple from perpetuating their beautiful story over time.

The meeting between Michel Hazanavicius and Bérénice Béjo took place on the set of the first part ofOSS 117, Cairo nest of spies in 2005. It was love at first sight which quickly materialized with the arrival of their first child, Lucien, born on June 5, 2008. On September 18, 2011, Bérénice Béjo gave birth to Gloria, their second child. A family that remains their most important commitment in the end.

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