Michel Drucker replaced on France 2: he comes out of the silence and announces great news for Vivement dimanche

I am preparing for a busy but exciting year with my appearance on France 3, the resumption of my show in Paris and my 80th birthday which is approaching.“, launches Michel Drucker to the newspaper The Voice – Le Bocage in its July 21 edition.

The 60-year-old workaholic is a happy man. While one would have thought that the migration of his show Can’t wait for Sunday on France 3 could have been badly experienced by the main interested party, it turns out that the PAF star who leaves his place to Frédéric Lopez, is delighted. It also announces all the news to come.

Michel Drucker finds this opportunity “tremendous“, in particular the 1:30 p.m./3 p.m. time slot which corresponds to “Sunday and family lunch, which brings together all generations around the table“. As we learn, the one who will celebrate his 80th birthday on September 12, has signed a two-year contract “and more if we hit it off“. A confidence that enchants him: “They still count on me despite my advanced age and that made me happy.“. The man who has met the biggest stars during his career, will therefore host his show for 1:30, without advertising breaks. Everything will be shot in the same place, with the same means and the same teams. But that does not mean not say that some things are not going to change.

I will present a Can’t wait for Sunday revisited, turned towards the province, more France of the regions rather than a program for sores. Among other things, I will highlight the supporting roles of the channel’s successful series.. Then, once a month, I will pay homage to the disappeared, to people who are no longer talked about, whom the public appreciated and I knew well“, he explains. Numbers with Bourvil, Gabin, Moustaki, Reggiani, Annie Cordy, the Brasseur family, Jacques Brel, Christophe are under consideration. And to continue: “Each time I will have someone legitimate, someone from their family, by my side to tell us about them.“Michel Drucker will also highlight new and established talents in humor. Les Bodin’s will also make an appearance on his show every month.

Happy with these adjustments, during this interview, Michel Drucker confirms the words of Thierry Ardisson saying that if he left the antenna one day, he would die: “It’s second degree, but he’s absolutely right. We are all so addicted to this life, to this highlighting, to this notoriety that to deprive ourselves of it would be ‘a little death’“. He who has already been deprived of the antenna because of major health concerns has indeed seen how much work was essential for him. There is no doubt that his recovery at the end of August will give him the greatest pleasure.

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