Michel Cordes (Plus belle la vie) with an open heart on his biggest regret caused by his notoriety!

More beautiful life is certainly one of the sagas that marked the small screen. Unfortunately for fans, the last episodes of the show will air this year. Last May, France Televisions formalized the end of filming to everyone’s surprise. “This pioneering and emblematic soap opera has become the longest daily French series in history and a strong mark of France 3”, indicated the group by specifying that it was about a program “transgenerational, rooted in proximity, authenticity and the realities of French society in all its diversity”.

The production also added in the process: “We still have five months of stories to tell. This represents a volume of almost 150 episodes. On top of that, a primetime will air in early July and it’s likely that a big final primetime will be scheduled for November.” Over the years, countless characters have become iconic in fiction. Like Roland Marci brilliantly played by Michel Cordes. Many intrigues have honored his clan.

“I am sometimes tired of Plus belle la vie…”

But in the long run, constantly embodying this father has become heavy for the actor. “I am sometimes tired of Plus belle la vie”, confessed the artist for Tele-Leisure who always strived “to find pleasure”. In any case, his admirers are totally conquered by his character: “In the street, people only talk to Roland, almost never to Michel Cordes. It’s heavy sometimes but ultimately always positive. The affective impact we have on the public is enormous, we enter into their lives”. In the columns of Societythe main interested party spoke frankly of this sudden notoriety.

“For several years, I did not have a normal social life”, confided Michel Cordes to our colleagues. “When you have six million people watching you every night and according to some statistics thirteen million watch at least five minutes of the program, you know that as soon as you set foot outside, one in six or seven people knows your head “. We imagine…


to see also: Dounia Coesens (More beautiful life): and now, the baby!

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