Michel Bouquet: His ex, Ariane, was close to death because of their breakup

A monument of theater and cinema, Michel Bouquet died on Wednesday April 13, 2022 at the age of 96. During his lifetime, the actor had lived on his love for the arts … and had had his heart beating several times. The one who accompanied him for many decades is Juliette Carré, 88, to whom he gave the reply on several occasions. But his widow is not the only woman in his life, nor even the only actress who twisted his soul.

Before marrying Juliette Carré in 1970, Michel Bouquet had actually lived a first marriage with Ariane Borg, described in the columns of the newspaper Release as a personality”very worldly and very volcanic“. This fiery temperament had led to a very complicated break-up and a divorce procedure which was spread over 13 years. In 1954, Ariane told her “yes“. In the spring of 1967, when he was leaving her, the actress began a hunger strike which lasted several months. She had then lost 25 kilos and had come very close to death.

French cinema today loses an admirable and admired actor

It was Michel Bouquet’s press service who announced his disappearance on Wednesday April 13, 2022.at the end of the morning in a Parisian hospital“, to AFP. He who had played more than 800 times in the play The king is dying, from Ionesco, had decided to take a step back in 2019 after a 75-year career. “It takes a lot of strength… to speak with words that aren’t your own, to make it all true“, he confided modestly. In the cinema, Michel Bouquet also had a great reputation. After having shot for Clouzot, Truffaut, Anouilh, Chabrol, after having charmed Delon, Luchini, he had received the César for best actor for the film how i killed my father in 2002 and again in 2006 to The Walker of the Champ-de-Mars, by Robert Guédiguian. “French cinema today loses an admirable and admired actor“, regrets the Academy. All our condolences to his friends, relatives and family …

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