Michel Bernier continues to form his majority by meeting with deputies from the Horizons and Modem groups

A very political tour. The new Prime Minister, Michel Barnier, is going to Reims on Wednesday, September 11, to meet the 33 deputies of the Horizons group, Édouard Philippe’s party, then to Seine-et-Marne with the 36 of the MoDem. He could then go to the parliamentary days of his political family at the end of the week in Aix-les-Bains. Exchanges that should allow him to compose his government and ensure a majority in the National Assembly. Follow our live feed.

A “new government”not one “reshuffle”. For his first meeting with Macronist deputies, Michel Barnier outlined the contours of the “demanding coexistence” praised at the Élysée with this right-wing Prime Minister who promised to respect “all sensitivities” of the presidential party.

LR ministers in government? On Monday, Senate President Gérard Larcher opened the door to LR participation in the Barnier government. A new development for the right-wing party, initially based on a refusal of any coalition or participation advocated by Laurent Wauquiez.

The fragile unity of the Macronists. Lively debates with the Ensemble pour la République group are expected in particular on the recurring issue of state medical aid (AME) for illegal immigrants. Especially since LR could be tempted to bring back into the atmosphere its demands on immigration which had already cracked the unity of the Macronist camp last year.

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