Video length: 2 min
Budget 2025: Michel Barnier’s first headache
Budget 2025: Michel Barnier’s first headache
The first major difficulty that Michel Barnier and his government will have to face is the budget. Thirty billion euros are needed to bring the deficit back into line.
The budget countdown has begun several weeks late. Will the future government be able to avoid raising taxes? For now, Michel Barnier believes that greater tax justice is needed. In the corridors of the National Assembly, on the left, the project of a reform of income tax remains on the table to tax the wealthiest more heavily.
“France’s richest people have seen their assets double since Mr Macron came to power“, says Éric Coquerel, LFI deputy and president of the Finance Commission. For its part, the right persists and signs. It will systematically oppose any increase in taxes.”We do not want the situation in the country to deteriorate“, assures an LR deputy.
Finding new tax revenues seems inevitable, however. Taxing the super profits of large energy groups will eventually reach consensus, because the 2025 budget is a headache. Summoned Monday afternoon before the Finance Committee, Bruno Le Maire had to account for the slippages in public finances. The government will have to find at least thirty billion euros to bring the deficit back into line.