Michel Barnier will vote “for Emmanuel Macron without qualms” after the “very serious defeat for the Republican right”

“At no time in my political commitment (…) can I find myself in the theses of the far right”says former European Commissioner Michel Barnier.

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Michel Barnier, unsuccessful candidate in the Les Républicains primary and supporter of Valérie Pécresse who only came 5th with 4.8% of the vote in the first round of the presidential election on Sunday, announced Monday April 11 on France Inter that he will “vote for Emmanuel Macron without qualms”, after one “very serious defeat for the Republican right”.

>> 2022 presidential results: follow the reactions live the day after the first round.

If Valérie Pécresse also announced that her vote would go to the outgoing president for the second round, without giving any voting instructions, the finalist of the Les Républicains primary Éric Ciotti indicated on the other hand that he would not vote for him. “We are going to talk about it this morning together frankly” in political office, launches Michel Barnier, for whom LR “can bounce back and stay together” thanks to “the mass of local elected representatives”. “It’s not the first time that we have had divisions,” he adds.

“I will vote for [Emmanuel Macron] without qualms because at no time in my political commitment (…) I can not find myself in the theses of the extreme right “, explains Michel Barnier. The former candidate for the LR primary considers that his party’s historically low score is “a collective failure”, because “we have not been able to loosen the grip of a power which poses as a kind of evidence a duel between the extremes and the outgoing power”.

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