Matignon announced on Friday that the head of government still intended to present the composition of his team “before Sunday” after “final adjustments”.
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The final stretch for Michel Barnier? The Prime Minister transmitted, Friday, September 20, “the finalized architecture and composition” of his government to Emmanuel Macron, the entourage of the Matignon tenant has announced. The head of government “should” have a phone call on Friday “in the evening” with the President of the Republic, added the same source. When contacted, the Elysée did not confirm this interview.
Matignon announced on Friday that the head of government still intended to present “before Sunday” the composition of his team after “final adjustments”.
“We must let Michel Barnier work”said Emmanuel Macron on Friday, speaking very briefly to the press on the sidelines of his trip to Chartres (Eure-et-Loir). He is “It is important that all political groups, with commitment and a sense of responsibility, help him” in this task, added the head of state, stressing that the Prime Minister had a “full freedom” to form his government. “There is no government that has been put on the table today”he further stressed.
After having gathered, on Thursday, the heads of the different parties that could enter the government, the Prime Minister had submitted a list of 38 ministers to the President of the Republic. Then Matignon had announced that the government would be presented “before Sunday” awaiting the green light from the High Authority for Transparency in Public Life (HATVP).