Michel Barnier “does not envisage” a vote of confidence on his general policy speech, according to the communist Stéphane Peu

The PCF deputy for Seine-Saint-Denis, Stéphane Peu, was invited on franceinfo on Tuesday.


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Communist MP Stéphane Peu at the National Assembly, May 22, 2018. (AURELIEN MORISSARD / MAXPPP)

Michel Barnier “does not consider” a vote of confidence in his general policy speech, according to the PCF deputy of Seine-Saint-Denis Stéphane Peu, guest of franceinfo Tuesday September 17, after the meeting of the communist leaders with the Prime Minister at Matignon. The deputy, also secretary of the National Assembly, accompanied the national secretary of the PCF Fabien Roussel and the leader of the communist senators Cécile Cukierman.

“We asked him for a vote of confidence in Parliament on his general policy speech. He told us that he was not considering it.”says Stéphane Peu. The MP also points out that Michel Barnier also rejected the idea “of an extraordinary session of Parliament before the date of October 1, the date of the ordinary session.” “He told us that he would not respond positively to our request.” And according to the communist, the Prime Minister “will present his general policy speech on October 1, 2 or 3. This is an indication of a horizon for forming a government.”

Stéphane Peu also confirms that Michel Barnier “did not propose” for the communists to return to government. “We wouldn’t have accepted.” If the representatives of the PCF deputies and senators went to Matignon, it is because they are “parliamentary groups” that work “as a republican group which discusses with the Prime Ministers, the governments, the Presidents of the Republic”explains Stéphane Peu.

“We are keen to share our proposals, to advance the issues that are important to us, which are issues that directly concern the French people.” The communists reminded Michel Barnier that “the choice” by Emmanuel Macron “appointing him Prime Minister was an illegitimate choice in light of the results of the June elections”. They therefore made it clear that they “would vote for a motion of censure to condemn the method used by the President of the Republic and to denounce this denial of democracy”adds Stéphane Peu.

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