Michel Barnier “commits several serious mistakes” by wanting to increase sampling capacity, denounces France Nature Environnement

The Prime Minister estimated Friday that the “new assessment of the number of wolves” expected “mid-December” would constitute “a key moment to increase the harvesting capacity”, that is to say the number of slaughters of the animal.


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A wolf (illustrative photo), February 2, 2023. (PHILIPPE GREILLER / MAXPPP)

Michel Barnier “commits several serious mistakes” by wanting to increase the harvesting capacity of wolves, denounces Jean-David Abel, pilot of the biodiversity network of France nature environment (FNE), on franceinfo, Friday October 4.

The Prime Minister estimated, during a visit to the Livestock Summit in Cournon-d’Auvergne, in Puy-de-Dôme, that a new assessment of the number of wolves in France, scheduled for mid-December, could be a “key moment” to increase wolf killings. “When politicians say that humans are a priority, it means that biodiversity and wild species must decline”underlines Jean-David Abel.

According to the pilot of the FNE biodiversity network, Michel Barnier “absolutely ignores scientific data”notably because it “links wolf shooting with reduced damage, which has never been proven anywhere”. “Since 2017, the damage has stabilized and has even declined over the past seven years, while the wolf population has increased by 2.5 times”he adds.

Jean-David Abel criticizes the use “abusive” exemptions to kill wolves. “We continue to have a discourse which, fundamentally, does not organize coexistence with the species, but favors destroying its individuals and preventing it from developing”deplores the activist.

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