Michel Aupetit “can no longer govern” because “his reputation has been damaged”, says Pope Francis

The Sovereign Pontiff accepted the Archbishop’s resignation on December 2.

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He “can no longer rule” because “his reputation has been damaged” by the “gossip”. Pope Francis spoke on Monday, December 6 at a press conference, a few days after accepting the resignation of the Archbishop of Paris, Michel Aupetit. “When the rumor grows, grows, grows and reaches the reputation of a man, he can no longer govern (…) And it is an injustice. This is why I accepted the resignation of Monsignor Aupetit , not on the altar of truth but on that of hypocrisy “the pope told reporters on the plane after returning from his trip to Greece.

“I wonder: what then did Aupetit do that was so serious about resigning? If we don’t know the accusation, we can’t convict”, said the Pope, urging reporters to “investigate”. And the Sovereign Pontiff to continue: “It’s dangerous to condemn. Who condemned him? Public opinion, rumors? But what did he do? We don’t know.”, he added.

The Pope, however, mentioned “a breach” from Michel Aupetit “to the sixth commandment”, which prohibits adultery. He called this “breach” of “not total”, evoking “but little caresses and massages he gave to his secretary”.

“It is a sin. But it is not the most serious sin because the sins of the flesh are not the most serious, said Pope Francis. Thus, Monsignor Aupetit is a sinner. As I am, as was Peter, the bishop on whom Christ founded his Church “, did he declare.

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