Michal (Star Academy) pacsé at the “sexy” Bixente: why they do not live together

Michal Kwiatkowski is back in music with my father’s love. For the occasion, our colleagues from Audience met him and discussed his personal life in particular.

The charming 38-year-old brunette, revealed in 2003 during the third season of the star Academy, was married to Maxim Assenza, a ceremony that took place at the town hall of the 11th arrondissement of Paris. But after five years of relationship, the two men have made the decision to end their relationship. “I divorced in 2019, after two years of marriage. I have a lot of respect for my exes because they let me know what I want.“, confided Michal.

Since then, the best friend of Elodie Frégé has found love. A new companion who is named Bixente and whom he presented in October 2020. “It has everything I expected. He’s sexy and nice. We met the week of deconfinement in May 2020, during an aperitif at a friend’s house. We talked, we made love… And I fell in love quite quickly!, continued Michal. He specified that it was a singer who comes from the middle of the opera. “He had never heard of me. I found that great. He asked me one evening to play all the Star Ac’ videos, it was very touching. He’s the first to have discovered me without prejudice“, he recalled.

Subsequently, the lovebirds are pacsés. And for now, neither Bixente nor Michal feels the need to get married. Their way of life suits them perfectly as the latter explained: “We each live at home, but we sleep together as much as possible. I have this romanticism of Chopin in me, a little tortured, very passionate. You have to tell me often I love you. But I’m not possessive or jealous.

If a marriage is possible, Michal no longer thinks of having a baby. It was a project he had with his ex-husband and since then his priorities have changed. He prefers to focus on his career and his audience. And being a singing teacher, especially for children, made him realize that becoming a dad was a big investment.

The full interview can be found in the Public magazine of July 1, 2022

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