Michael Schumacher hidden by his wife since his accident: the revelations of an F1 star

It is one of the best kept secrets and for more than 9 years now, no one really knows the state of health of Michael Schumacher, with the exception of his relatives. During a vacation in Méribel with his family in December 2013, the German pilot suffered a terrible skiing accident. Hit in the skull, the one nicknamed the Red Baron has never reappeared publicly since and he lives with his wife Corinna and his son Mick in Switzerland, where news about him is rather rare.

Michael Schumacher built his legend within the Ferrari team with which he won no less than 5 Formula 1 world championship titles. Arrived in 2006, during the last season of the 53-year-old former athlete, Ferrari, the Brazilian driver Felipe Massa had the chance to rub shoulders with and become quite close to the legend of motor racing. The two men got to know each other and remained linked after Schumi’s career ended and since his terrible accident, the 41-year-old Brazilian assures that he is aware of his friend’s state of healthas he explained to Brazilian media recently.

He is in a complicated phase, but we must show respect to him and his family.

“I know how he is, I have this information, but I think the most important thing in this is that we know that his situation is not easy.. He is in a complicated phase, but we have to show respect to him and his family.”, explains Felipe Massa in an interview, in remarks reported by the sports media The Sports Rush. The Brazilian preferred to avoid going into too much detail about Michael Schumacher’s state of health, as he later justified: “They (the Schumacher family) don’t like to divulge information about this, so who am I to do that?”.

Like his great friend Jean Todt, who has repeatedly raised the sensitive issue of the German champion’s state of health, Felipe Massa remained measured in his remarks, but he remains hopeful to see the situation improve. “I dream and pray every day that he gets better and can go to an F1 race again, especially now that his son is racing. So I pray that it happens one day.”he concludes.

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