Mexico worries the Caisse de depot

The Caisse de depot met with the Mexican president this week in hopes of resolving issues that stem from the country’s nationalist energy policies.

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The institution confirmed the holding of the meeting at Log yesterday, but did not want to say more.

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In 2017, the Caisse disbursed approximately US$675 million to acquire interests in eight wind and solar energy assets in Mexico.

However, the country’s president, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, wants to pass a reform that would give priority to the Comisión Federal de Electricidad, a state-owned company, to the detriment of private firms in the development of the electricity sector. electricity.

Visiting Mexico last week, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau raised the issue with his Mexican counterpart. Andrés Manuel López Obrador then promised to meet with representatives of the Caisse de depot et placement and three Canadian energy companies present in Mexico.

“We met with four Canadian companies and we resolved the four problems without there being any obstacle,” assured Mr. López Obrador at a press conference, according to Reuters.


Mexican officials and representatives of the energy sector, however, expressed to the news agency their skepticism about the real resolution of the issues.

Last year, the United States launched a process to challenge Mexico’s energy decisions, saying they could violate the North American Free Trade Agreement.

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